Donation from Brotherhood Lodge for local people with brain injuries

We are delighted to have been given a donation of £500 from the Brotherhood Lodge (No. 3967). The money will go direct to support our members, providing our drop-in services and activities programme for local people with brain injuries and their carers.

The cheque was presented to Sam Ashcroft our Network Coordinator by Worshipful Master Geoffrey Birkett and Charity Steward Clive Tandy.

A huge thank you from Headway Blackpool Wyre & Fylde for this generous donation!

Brotherhood is a Masonic Lodge and is one of many Lodges based in Adelaide Street Blackpool.
During the Masonic year all Lodges raise money for local and Masonic charities.

During this year Brotherhood Lodge alone raised approximately £3000.00. This money is shared between local charities and masonic charities.

Headway Blackpool Wyre & Fylde is one of the recipients of some of the money they raised this year.