We currently offer a range of services for members their families and carers, however we are always striving to improve on our service offer and as such we have set a number of aims and goals for the services we hope to provide in the near future.
Current Service
- We provide a space for Headway Blackpool Wyre & Fylde members to meet weekly to socialise in a safe environment free from isolation or judgement, as per our member’s code of conduct.
- Events: we offer many social events throughout the year such as; our annual Summer day trip, Christmas meal, fish & chips meals out, Pancake Day etc.
- Therapeutic sessions in drop-ins; anger management, relaxation, physiotherapy
- Teaching sessions; brain injury awareness, first aid
- Benefit and welfare advice; signposting for benefit applications, as well as signposting for appeals for refused benefits
- Headway Blackpool Wyre & Fylde telephone service; signposting for further advice/providing a listening service
- Legal advocacy; including signposting and referral letters
- Volunteer’s programme for individuals wishing to support our charity’s aims and objectives
External Services
- Information/advice and support to charities/businesses in the Blackpool Wyre and Fylde area
- liaison service with GPs
- ABI team referral
Our Aims for the Future
- A fully inclusive service to all brain injury survivors across the Fylde coast including but not limited to:
- those within the community
- those within residential settings
- those within hospital and NHS Units
- those within prison or on temporary release from prison/ parole programmes
- those who are homeless/ with no fixed address
- Increase day trips and evenings out
- Create fundraising opportunities for our members to engage fully in fundraising activities
- Volunteer training programme for individuals wishing to get involved in this type of service
- An active volunteer service with a training and development programme for volunteers to be able to work in different areas of the organisation
- Raising awareness of brain injury and the effects of it to others within the community and NHS. This will have both a positive impact upon how Headway Blackpool Wyre & Fylde members are treated in society and also it is likely to assist with fundraising as more people understand what we do.
External Services
- Advice/information and an open working relationship with businesses/charities