Useful Information

Use the links below to find out some useful facts about brain injury. You can also view the Headway Information Library for further information

Approved care providers

Headway has developed the Approved Provider scheme, an accreditation scheme open to residential care settings. This includes NHS and independent hospitals, neuro-rehabilitation units, residential and nursing homes and respite facilities, specialising in acquired brain injury (ABI).

More information available here.


  • “I’m passionate about working with and for those with acquired brain injuries. The work that Headway Blackpool Wyre & Fylde does is massively important and very valuable to those out there in need of support, advice and a safe environment in which to share. I’ll be adding to the already excellent work being done by the current trustees, the wider team and the many volunteers.”

    Marie Sloan Chair of the Trustees & Director

  • “Headway Blackpool Wyre & Fylde is a fun-loving charity which makes a real difference to the lives of brain injury survivors and their families, within the area.”

    Jonathan Young  Trustee & Director