Despite their fear of heights, a group of local people including Scott Benton MP last week took part in an epic skydiving challenge for charity!
The group of six jumped 15,000 feet – that’s almost 30 times higher than Blackpool Tower! To raise much-needed funds for Headway Blackpool.
The group helped raise over £2900 with funds still coming in for their efforts. The team included local landlord of The Newton Arms; Aaron Johnson who went the extra mile to double his fundraising by wearing his rival football team’s shirt for the day!
Sam Ashcroft, Network Coordinator at Headway Blackpool said: “The pandemic hit our charity very hard; we rely on generous donations and fundraising events to raise the money we need to run our services. Being unable to hold any face-to-face events last year and the greater part of this year means our budgets are critically low.
As well as raising funds the sky dive has helped raise awareness of our services which has encouraged more local people with brain injuries and their carers to get in touch which is great news; it means we are able to help even more people.”
Skydivers were: Helen Raffan, Aaron Johnson, Sam Ashcroft, Lee Biggs, Scott Benton and Jeanette Richardson
Below you can see the videos of their amazing challenge.
It’s not too late to donate!:
Support Aaron Johnson HERE.
Watch Aaron’s skydive HERE.
Support Lee Biggs HERE.
Watch Lee’s skydive HERE.
Support Scott Benton MP HERE.
Support Helen Raffan HERE.
Watch Helen’s skydive HERE.
Support Jeanette Richardson HERE.
Watch Jeanette’s skydive HERE.
A huge thank you to everyone who has sponsored our skydiving team!